I am Flat Fannie, and I live in Moody, Alabama with Trav, Becca, Alex and Lucy Wilson. My parents are good friends with Trav and Becca, and they live in Houston, Texas. Things were not going well at home, so when Trav and Becca invited me to come and live with them for a little while my parents agreed. After the accident, my friends at school were very mean to me, and I just couldn't take it anymore.
I was just a normal little girl minding my own business when one day during my Pop Warner cheerleading practice, one of the other cheerleaders landed right on top of me after a failed lift and smashed me flat as a pancake. My parents took me to the doctor, but there was nothing that anyone could do. I had been permanently flattened. I got kicked off of the cheerleading squad, and none of my old friends wanted anything to do with me. I just needed a new start. So, I have been living with the Wilsons for a couple of weeks, and things are already much better. We do a lot of things together. I am going to be writing about all of the fun that I am having on this blog, so that you can see for yourself that flat people can be fun too.
Here is a picture of Becca, Alex, and Lucy. Trav wasn't there the day of the picture, so that's why you can't see him.