Friday, September 14, 2012

Normal Things

I love to spend time with Trav, Becca, Alex, and Lucy.  We do all kinds of neat things together.  One of the things that I like so much about being part of this family is the "normal" things that we get to do.  Today, I got to bake cookies with Becca.  Boy were they delicious.  Becca let me taste one.  But I could only have one.  We made them to take to Heather, who is one of Becca's friends that just had some kind of surgery.  We went to visit Heather, but Becca said we couldn't take my picture with her because Heather was still "recovering."  When we got there she had her pajamas on.  It was the middle of the day, and I wished that I could still have my pajamas on too.  She was glad to see us, but she didn't offer me one of the cookies that we brought.  I was disappointed.  Becca said that we could make some more another time just for us.

One of the other things that I got to do tonight was read stories with Alex and Lucy.  That was really fun.  They have a lot of books, and they read all the time.  They have books about crayons that talk, caterpillars that eat all the time, a mouse with a purple purse, cows and typewriters, a house where all kinds of people and animals take a nap, a llama who doesn't like school, a girl with stripes all over her, and a boy who draws with a purple crayon.  Alex read me a story tonight about a mouse, a strawberry, and a bear.  I loved it!!  Listen to her reading it to me.

Alex said that she would read it to me again if I wanted her to, and I definitely do.  I think that Alex is a really good reader.  Maybe one day, I will be able to read as good as she does.  I think that I will ask her to teach me one day.   Well, Becca says that it is time for us to go to bed now.  It was a good end to the day.

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