Monday, September 17, 2012

Errands with Becca

While Alex and Lucy were at school today, I got to spend some time with Becca.  She took me to all kinds of places.  We went to a place called Target where she bought some kind of special seat for Alex to sit in.  I don't know what is wrong with the seat that is already in the car, but I guess she needs another one.  We got some new toys to put in the bathtub for Alex and Lucy and some crayons.  I thought that those would be for Alex and Lucy, but they were for Becca.  In her school she gets to do fun stuff too.  Learning to become a teacher sounds like fun. 

After we went to Target, we went to a place called Sam's Club.  This place is SO BIG.  They sell all kinds of stuff in there.  I am not sure why anyone would ever want to have a 50 pound bag of rice, but I swear that I saw that in there.  They are so nice at Sam's Club.  They even have people that give you little snacks while you are shopping.  We got to eat a cracker with some tuna on it.  I thought it tasted nasty, but Becca kind of liked it.  We got a bunch of juice and green beans, and then we left. 

Because I had behaved so well while we were out shopping, Becca decided to take me to the playground.  What a great place!!  I got to ride on the swings and go down the slide.  There weren't any other kids there which would have made it more fun for me.  I guess that they were all in school.  Becca said that she will take me back again soon when Alex and Lucy can come with us.  They apparently love it there too.  I can't wait to come back.  Can't you tell how much fun I was having?          

We came home after that, and I took a nap before we went to pick up Alex from school.  It was fun to spend time with just Becca.  She is so nice, and I feel so thankful to get to be with her.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Normal Things

I love to spend time with Trav, Becca, Alex, and Lucy.  We do all kinds of neat things together.  One of the things that I like so much about being part of this family is the "normal" things that we get to do.  Today, I got to bake cookies with Becca.  Boy were they delicious.  Becca let me taste one.  But I could only have one.  We made them to take to Heather, who is one of Becca's friends that just had some kind of surgery.  We went to visit Heather, but Becca said we couldn't take my picture with her because Heather was still "recovering."  When we got there she had her pajamas on.  It was the middle of the day, and I wished that I could still have my pajamas on too.  She was glad to see us, but she didn't offer me one of the cookies that we brought.  I was disappointed.  Becca said that we could make some more another time just for us.

One of the other things that I got to do tonight was read stories with Alex and Lucy.  That was really fun.  They have a lot of books, and they read all the time.  They have books about crayons that talk, caterpillars that eat all the time, a mouse with a purple purse, cows and typewriters, a house where all kinds of people and animals take a nap, a llama who doesn't like school, a girl with stripes all over her, and a boy who draws with a purple crayon.  Alex read me a story tonight about a mouse, a strawberry, and a bear.  I loved it!!  Listen to her reading it to me.

Alex said that she would read it to me again if I wanted her to, and I definitely do.  I think that Alex is a really good reader.  Maybe one day, I will be able to read as good as she does.  I think that I will ask her to teach me one day.   Well, Becca says that it is time for us to go to bed now.  It was a good end to the day.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Date with Trav and Becca

I never thought that at my age I would get to go out on a date.  Well, today I got to - with Trav and Becca.  It was really sweet of them to let me come along.  It was a beautiful sunny day, and we went to a cute place to eat lunch called Trowbridges.  Becca shared some of her sandwich with me.  After we ate our lunch, I got to have my own milkshake.  Boy was it good.  It was made out of oranges and pineapples.  I never would have thought that would taste good together, but it really was delicious.  Here is a picture of me when I first got it.

I really suggest that you get one sometime.  You won't be sorry. 

After we finished our milkshakes, we went to the movies.  I have never been to a movie theater before.  It was way cool.  There was a really nice guy who took our tickets and showed us where to find our movie.  I thought that was very kind of him.  His name was Lance, and he took a special interest in me.  I think that he liked my dress.  Trav was very protective of me though and didn't allow Lance to spend too much time with me.

It is REALLY dark inside a movie theater.  I couldn't believe that.  I guess that if they turn off all the lights they think you can see the movie better.  It was so much bigger than watching a movie at home on the television.  I have to admit that the whole thing scared me a little bit.  I think that part of the problem was the movie that we saw.  I think that I was a little bit too young to watch this movie.  There was a lot of shooting and jumping and lots of people yelling and bossing other people around.  It was called The Bourne Legacy.  Becca really liked it, but I think that she likes the violent kind of movies.  I am worried that I am going to have nightmares about the experience.  Next time I come to the movies, I hope that we see a cartoon.

All in all, it was a fun date.  Trav and Becca said that it was nice to "get away" every once in a while.  I wondered what they wanted to "get away" from, but I didn't argue.  It was nice of them to bring me with them.  Even if I was traumatized by the movie, the whole experience was worth it because I got to have that milkshake.  Yum!!        

Saturday, September 1, 2012

On an Adventure!!

This morning while we were all having breakfast, Trav and Becca told the girls and me that we were going to go on an adventure today.  We were so excited!!  Alex and Lucy couldn't get dressed fast enough.  After what seemed like forever, we finally got in the car to leave.  I wasn't sure what to expect.  Let me just say that I was not disappointed.  If you have never been to the McWane Science Center, YOU HAVE GOT TO GO!!  It was the most fun that I have ever had.  Alex, Lucy, and I really did have a lot of adventures.  This place was so cool.  I hope that we will get to go back again some day.

One of the first things that I got to do was play in a really big sandbox with Lucy.  She buried me in the sand, and it tickled me all over.  It was so much fun.  I didn't want to leave, but there were so many other things to do that we just had to move on.

Since I had so much fun in the sand, I was really drawn to the "dig" pit.  I got to pretend like I was a paleontologist.  Becca said that was a scientist who looks for and studies fossils which are really old looking bones.  I got to dig around in a big pit looking for bones of creatures that used to live in Alabama a long time ago.  I even found a few things.  I hated to leave this too, but Becca said that we had to go see something else.

Can you see the bone that I found?

Next, we moved to this really cool game.  Trav said that it reminded him of a game that he played when he was little.  He called it "light bright."  Alex and I put these sticks with lights in them into a bunch of little holes to make designs.  When we were finished, Alex even put me up there with the lights.  It was so neat.  I just felt like I was glowing all over.

Can you see me glowing?
 When we were finished with the lights, Lucy took me to a flower garden.  This was one of my favorite parts of the day.  Lucy was planting flowers and watering them.  She even let me get right in there with all of the flowers.  They were all so colorful, and I felt so special getting to be part of the garden.

Do you see me?
Just before we left, Becca put me somewhere that I really wasn't sure I wanted to be.  There were all of these plastic sticks that you could push to make an imprint of something.  Becca actually put me in there.  I was kind of scared at first, but it really didn't hurt.  I did get smashed a little bit though.  It was kind of nice because I had a good view of what everybody else was doing. 

It was the best adventure ever.  If you have never been to the McWane Science Center, I really think that you should go.  There were lots of kids there to play with and all sorts of cool things to do.  We even got to eat pizza and M & Ms for lunch.  The girls and I had such a good time that we fell asleep on the way home.  I can't wait to see what adventures that I will get to go on next.